2024 Retrospective
Our achievements and highlights on Grocery CRUD for 2024. This year it was all about stability, support and some big features that we've promised.
So far 12 releases, almost 1 release per month. Let's have a quick look of the change log for 3.1:
3.1.12 (Release date: 21 December 2024)
- GC-441: Tabs for grouped fields. Introducing groupFields functions which you can group fields in tabs.
3.1.11 (Release date: 23 November 2024)
- GC-557: Allow callbackColumn to use full space and lines without applying overflow CSS rules.
- GC-558: Extend unset columns and fields in functions to merge with existing arrays instead of replacing them.
- GC-559: Fix issue with export and export PDF state with dropdown or dropdown_search having the 0 as value.
3.1.10 (Release date: 14 October 2024)
- GC-554: Fixing validation error message formatting.
- GC-555: Dark Skin Improvements - Dropdown Lists, Multiple Select Boxes, native Date Picker, and more.
- GC-556: Improve content for text-editor on read with a show/hide button.
3.1.9 (Release date: 09 September 2024)
- GC-551: New field type
that allows you to toggle the visibility of your password. - GC-552: Fixed issue with non-styled calendar by updating React Date Picker CSS to the latest version.
- GC-553: Remove unnecessary checkbox display when unsetDeleteMultiple() is enabled.
3.1.8 (Release date: 29 August 2024)
- GC-546: Fixing issue with space remaining while using 'action_button_type' => 'icon'.
- GC-547: Introducing new function fieldTypeSearchColumn which specifies the field type on datagrid search.
- GC-548: Update dependency when using setRelationDynamic with setDependentRelation.
- GC-549: Refactoring code in order to upgrade to latest React version.
3.1.7 (Release date: 22 July 2024)
- GC-545: Better positioning of datagrid buttons on top for mobile devices
- GC-543: Fixing issue with the checkbox buttons of datagrid that doesn't appear on mobile devices
3.1.6 (Release date: 06 July 2024)
- GC-541: Dropping support for PHP 7.4. Requirement for PHP 8.1 and above.
3.1.5 (Release date: 01 July 2024)
- GC-536: Fixing text color on dark mode on filters, when choosing a relational field.
- GC-537: Fixing issue with calendar and relation field is hiding behind the footer.
- GC-540: Fixing issue on filters when the first filter is a setRelation and the dropdown doesn't show up.
3.1.4 (Release date: 27 April 2024)
- GC-535: setRelationNtoN new orderingFieldName parameter, so the user is able to change the ordering of the field.
3.1.3 (Release date: 17 March 2024)
- GC-531: callbackColumn doesn't work for relationNtoN fields.
- GC-532: Image Preview is not visible on delete operation.
- GC-533: Missing translation for the footer of the paging selection.
3.1.2 (Release date: 02 March 2024)
- GC-530: Column width does not meet the requirement of being under 200px. Current new minimum width is now 60px.
3.1.1 (Release date: 10 February 2024)
- GC-526: New field type "boolean" which you can use it for boolean fields.
- GC-528: When search value on dropdown is an empty string, it is causing datagrid to fetch data twice causing not well JSON formatted response.
- GC-529: Remove force search on page change from the number input.
3.1.0 (Release date: 20 January 2024)
- GC-522: Upgrading to latest React and Redux versions.
- GC-523: Search doesn't work when I am searching from a page other than the first one.
- GC-521: Removing the page change loading delay when we change the page.
- GC-524: New Configuration: Display JavaScript files into the main output (default is false).
- Updating to the latest versions of CodeIgniter and Laravel
- Updating to the latest versions of React/Redux and all the frontend libraries
- Composer Updates with public assets for Codeigniter 4 and Laravel latest version
- Grouping of form fields with tabs
- Password field with an eye icon for show/hide password
As you most probably already know, I am keeping track of the time I am spending for Grocery CRUD. Here’s a breakdown of my time in 2024:

- 25% time spent on feature development and bug fixing for Grocery CRUD.
- 18% time spent on website support, documentation and improvements.. Mainly spent time for documentation. I can say that I am very happy that everything is now documentated.
- 9% time spent on support.. I know you ask for more support but keep in mind that this is a one-man project. Keep also in mind that the more time I spend for stability and improvements, the less time you will need my support.
- 25% time spent on cleaning up, refactoring code, upgrading and stabilizing the product.
For this year it was a more straight forward year. Achieved most of what I've promised and I will most probably do the same for 2025. I will plan realistically so I can deliver what I promise. Stay tuned for 2025 plans!
Dec 24, 2024 by John Skoubourdis