
callbackAfterInsert(callable $callback)

The callback that will be used right after the insert of the data. There are basically two types of values that the developer will have available for the callback:

  1. The insertId: This is the primary key field id. After the insert this is available to use it
  2. The data: These are the filtered data from the insert

More specifically, below you can see an example of the $stateParameters variable for the callbackAfterInsert:

$stateParameters = (object)[
    'insertId' => '1234', //primary key value after insert
    'data' => [ // data to insert
        'customerName' => 'John',
        'phone' => '1234567890',


A full example is also available for you to understand better. At the below example we are updating the customer name after the insert and we are adding the string "[NEW] " at the beginning of the name.

$crud->setSubject('Customer', 'Customers');

$crud->callbackAfterInsert(function ($stateParameters) use ($callbackAfterInsertModel) {

    return $stateParameters;

The above code will give you the below results:

$callbackAfterInsertModel is using Grocery CRUD Custom Model but you can also use your own framework model, it doesn't really matter as far as you make sure that you validate the user inputs data.

For reference the code for CallbackAfterInsert class can be found below:

namespace App\Models;
use GroceryCrud\Core\Model;
use Laminas\Db\Sql\Sql;

class CallbackAfterInsert extends Model {
    public function updateCustomerName($customerId) {

        if (!is_numeric($customerId)) {
            return false;

        $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
        $select = $sql->select();
        $select->where(['customerNumber = ?' => $customerId]);

        $row = $this->getRowFromSelect($select, $sql);

        if ($row === null) {
            return false;

        $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
        $update = $sql->update('customers');
        $update->where(['customerNumber = ?' => $customerId]);

            'customerName' => ('[NEW] ' . $row[0]['customerName'])

        $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
        return $statement->execute();