callbackUpdate(callable $callback)
The function callbackUpdate
is used when we need to completely skip the default update functionality of Grocery CRUD Enterprise. The usage is simple, for example:
$crud->callbackUpdate(function ($stateParameters) {
// Your code goes here
return $stateParameters;
You can see a full working example below:
$crud->setSubject('Order', 'Orders');
$crud->callbackUpdate(function ($stateParameters) use ($callbackUpdateModel) {
$updateString = '[Update - ' .date('d M Y') . '] ';
if (!strstr($stateParameters->data['comments'], $updateString)) {
$stateParameters->data['comments'] = $updateString . $stateParameters->data['comments'];
// As we are skipping the actual update we will also need to update the data as well
$callbackUpdateModel->updateOrder($stateParameters->data, $stateParameters->primaryKeyValue);
return $stateParameters;
With the below live example you can see that when we are updating any row then the text "[Update - day Month]" is prepend at the beginning of the field comments.
is using Grocery CRUD Custom Model but you can also use your own custom model.
For reference the code for CallbackUpdate
class can be found below:
namespace App\Models;
use GroceryCrud\Core\Exceptions\Exception;
use GroceryCrud\Core\Model;
use Laminas\Db\Sql\Sql;
class CallbackUpdate extends Model {
public function updateOrder($data, $primaryKeyValue) {
// Always make sure that we validate our data
$fields = ['orderDate','requiredDate','shippedDate','status','comments','customerNumber'];
// Make sure that the update data has the exact numbers of inputs
if (count($data) !== count($fields)) {
throw new Exception("Wrong input");
// Make sure that we validate all of our inputs
foreach ($data as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
if (!in_array($fieldName, $fields)) {
throw new Exception("Wrong input");
// And lastly also validating the $primaryKeyValue
if (!is_numeric($primaryKeyValue)) {
throw new Exception("Wrong input");
$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$update = $sql->update('orders');
'orderNumber = ?' => $primaryKeyValue
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update);
return $statement->execute();